Sunday, April 16, 2006

Every clothesaholic crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man.

This week's Carnival of the Couture is being hosted by The Fashionable Kiffen. Her topic rendered me breathless: "What item/style/look do you wish would become a trend? Or what trend from the past would you like to resurrect?" The choices are overwhelming for this style-nostalgia junkie -- I want to see almost everything come back except that which has apparently come back with a vengance this season, the abomination otherwise known as footless leggings.

I know, however, that sooner or later everything filters through women's fashion again, and luckily for those women who are too impatient for designers to get it right, vintage is an acceptable option. Alas, it takes a lot longer for men's clothing to change, so it's unlikely that men will make a regular habit of wearing evening clothes in my lifetime. What a tragedy, nothing makes a man look better than a classic tuxedo, and white tie is absolutely swoon-worthy. More important, nothing makes a man look less like K-Fed than a sharp set of evening clothes, as the two starlicious gentlemen (Robert Montgomery on left, Clark Gable on the right) pictured demonstrate. They make that hussylicious woman between them look better, too. *lesigh*

Forsaking All Others is available on VHS.


Dandelion Vintage said...

'hussylicious' I love it! I agree that it would be nice to see men dress a little nicer. Even modern suits are 'pimped out' I like a nice classic suit on a man, or at least pants that are actually worn at the waist and not hanging off the behind. I also like more feminine clothing on women, more draping, less skin showing.


Gidget Bananas said...

I see that Scarpediem at
shoesense also years for the return of the well-dressed man. From our blogs to their ears!

Gidget Bananas said...

Er, that would be yearns.

Cristina Hanganu-Bresch said...

Ditto! :) Something clearly must be done about that. Now, if only we could make them read our blogs...hmm.....

Anonymous said...

If you find out how to get them to wear their pants at the waist, let me know. My 18 year old son wears his pants too low and it drives us crazy.
