The Ronald Paterson dress with the fan shaped insert on top and the corresponding pleats in the skirt makes me swoon. It's art, it's sculpture, it's fantasy, and, no doubt, it's a bitch to sew. This dress isn't something to be mass produced by virtual slave labor in the Marianas and peddled at Wal-Mart, or to be worn by a 10 lb. actress sporting 20 lbs. of implants. (There should be a law prohibiting implants larger than the implantee's head.) In fact, this dress shouldn't really be worn by a woman with much bosom at all, whether natural or enhanced. No, it's a paeon to the chic small B-cup . Small ladies everywhere, rejoice!

Sometimes I worry that I'm turning into an old fart because I want women, and especially women who are constantly being photographed, to cover up. Dammit. But so many women who are always parading their parts about just don't look as good as they think they do or that US and Star magazines tell us they do. I think I'm perfectly justified in preferring a pretty, imaginatively designed and constructed dress to a pair of unleashed Frankenboobs. And aren't these dresses just so darn pretty?
1 comment:
Yes, I was just thinking about that today - it's darn time we ladies start covering ourselves up! Skin is so last year (or that's what I'd like to think...a girl can only dream!)
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